sábado, 25 de febrero de 2012

Quiniela de Edu

Voy a poner la quiniela de esta semana. Espero que nos haga multimillonarios y esas cosas que solemos decir los optimistas. Salu2 a to2. Eduardo

1 comentario:

  1. This unique, numbered edition of rich, crocodile skin golf Asics Onitsuka Tiger is

    individually crafted and handmade-to-order by highly skilled artisans. Each of the 109 Onitsuka

    pairs to be produced is accompanied by a distinctive collector’s accessory package. This includes a crocodile leather luggage tag made

    from the exact same,hand-selected hides used to make the shoes (nice touch), a platinum plate with the player’s name and shoe edition number, cedar shoe

    trees and a gold-colored silk Onitsuka Tiger Online Store. So maybe the price is right


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